Bishop Kagan | Diocese of Bismarck
Bishop Kagan | Diocese of Bismarck
Bismarck's yard waste collection sites are set to open on Saturday, March 29. Residents are reminded not to dump grass directly on the ground and to follow specific instructions when using these facilities.
The city has outlined clear guidelines for the disposal of yard waste. If containers at a site are full, residents should either visit another location or return later. For those with trailers full of grass, it is advised to empty them at the landfill during regular operating hours.
Commercial dumping is prohibited. Yard waste such as flowers, garden waste, grass clippings, leaves, pinecones, and tree branches and twigs can be composted and reused. However, placing unacceptable items like animal waste, food waste, garbage of any kind, plastic bags or sod in the yard waste dumpsters leads to contamination. Contaminated loads must be buried along with other garbage at Site 1, which reduces landfill lifespan and increases costs for taxpayers.
The landfill operates Monday through Saturday from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm.