2023 Jamestown Area Chamber Directory Year Long Advertising Available
There is still time to advertise your business in the 2023 Chamber Membership Directory. A variety of ad sizes and rates are shown below. Last year, we distributed the directory to 500 members, organizations and individuals. We look forward to providing this useful publication to entities again this coming year. Directories are distributed at no charge. It is a great, inexpensive way to market your business throughout the entire year. We would love to feature your business in this publication.
2023 Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce Directory Advertising Information
Size and price of full color ad purchase:
Full page, 7.5 x 9.75 inches ($500), free 12-month website banner ad
Half page, 7.5 x 4.875 inches ($350), free 6-month website banner ad
Quarter page, 3.625 x 4.875 inches ($250), free 2-month website banner ad
Eighth page/Business Card, 3.625 x 2.375 inches ($150)
Original source can be found here.