Kasey Erickson Butler Machinery discussed leasing equipment | LinkedIn
Kasey Erickson Butler Machinery discussed leasing equipment | LinkedIn
The March 13, 2024, commission meeting addressed various topics and updates from different departments. The meeting commenced at 1:00 PM with the approval of the agenda, minutes, and bills.
At 1:10 PM, abatements were discussed followed by planning and zoning updates at 1:15 PM. The ordinance committee provided updates before moving to a soil conservation discussion at 1:20 PM.
NDLTAP was on the agenda for 2:00 PM, followed by a presentation from the road superintendent at 2:15 PM. Kasey Erickson from Butler Machinery discussed leasing equipment and Jim Jackson presented on fuel cards, BNI Bridge, and flex funding.
The meeting proceeded with bids for fuel/lubricants at 2:40 PM, rental construction equipment at 2:50 PM, and gravel crushing at 3:00 PM. Ambulance districting was discussed by Darcy Lackman at 3:15 PM.
Portfolio reports were given by Lee Husfloen, Rob Schmidt, and Dave Berger covering various sectors including the Superintendent of Schools, Clerk of Court, Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder among others. Other discussions included courthouse weather closures and updates related to HB 1279. Additional topics covered county cell phones and golf course lease updates along with P&Z ordinance/comp plan update quotes and fire ban discussion.